My Licenses

Licenses and Lines of Authority Last Updated October 17, 2023

Nelson Wealth Shield is a business entity domiciled in California licensed to sell insurance in all the states mentioned below.

Nelson Wealth Shield is not licensed to sell insurance outside of the USA.

You may ask my license number at any time. At the same time, you can also utilize each state’s Department of Insurance producer licensing lookup tool.

Nelson Wealth Shield national producer number is 19762383, and below are all Nelson Wealth Shield agency license numbers.

Arizona AZ #19762383
California CA #4098648
Colorado CO #793616
Florida FL #G000367
Idaho ID #19762383
Illinois IL #19762383
Maryland MD #3001357726
Michigan MI #19762383
North Carolina NC #19762383
Ohio OH #1374729
Oklahoma OK #3002508086
Pennsylvania PA #1125651
Texas TX #2700049
South Carolina SC #19762383
Virginia VA #1249777
Washington WA #1207747
West Virginia WV #19762383